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Tech Profile: Door Panel Carriers.

Tech Profile: Door Panel Carriers.

European passenger car door panel carriers are mostly made of natural fibre boards, accounting for 2/3 of the production volume in 2002. However, plastics carriers are gaining market share, with injection-molded polypropylene or ABS carriers showing the best cost/benefit ratio. Polyproylene carriers need expensive surface treatment for lamination of soft coverstock foils, that is why low-pressure molding (LPM) of a polypropylene carrier on the backside of a soft coverstock is an interesting alternative to ahesive-lamination.

Low-pressure-molding technology (LPM) was a Japanese domain until the introduction of the BMW 3 series door-panels in 1998. Since then, MCC Smart, Mercedes, Opel and VW are using LPM door panels, mainly in the B and lower C segment. Audi and Volvo will follow in 2004.

Molders are Magna/Intier-Eybl, Johnson Controls, Peguform, Faurecia and Findlay. LPM technology is a complement to their injectionmolding business.

Substrate is mainly unfilled or talcum-filled poypropylene. It is traditionally molded on fabric/non-woven laminates, or pre-formed TPO/PPfoam laminates. However, vinyl-based leatherettes are gaining market share, despite their limited heat-stability needed for this process.

This market survey shows a strong increase of LPM door panels in 1998, due to the start of the 4th generation BMW 3 series. The increase in 2004 is due to the start of the 5th generation VW Golf. Total European car volume using LPM door panels will reach 2.8 million units in 2005 (16%), with a further slight increase between 2005 and 2007

  1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Total LPM DP 0 45 55 62 76 81 80 79 635 772
Others 10500 10955 11445 11938 12424 12919 13420 13921 14365 15128
Total Car Production 10500 11000 11500 12000 12500 13000 13500 14000 15000 15900

  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Total LPM DP 1269 1412 1771 1657 2648 2765 2774 2781
Others 15031 15188 14129 14943 14152 14235 13826 13819
Total Car Production 16300 16600 15900 16600 16800 17000 16600 16600