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About SelfBase® - SelfBase® database

Automotive interior database: Be your own consultant!

SelfBase® is an internet-based database designed for high-quality trends and analyses on the automotive interior market, which you can create, interpret and present within seconds.

Starting in 2000, the Danubisnet team has continuously developed the simpler automotive interior databases used before; via high-profile industry consultants, these products were marketed in the form of OEM licenses on a global scale.

With SelfBase®, Danubisnet has created a tool that is fine-tuned on the daily needs of automotive OEMs and their supply base:
you have access to a giant and powerful database, that is continuously up-dated.
The surface is used intuitively, without special database know-how required.
You can select within a range of individual access features, and thus chose your preferate spectrum of data handling and evaluation.

Currently the models are available free of charge until about the year of construction 2010. An update is currently not planned.
